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Song—“No Churchman Am I” (第1/1页)
song—“no churchman am i” tune—“prepare, my dear brethren, to the tavern let's fly.” no churchman am i for to rail and to write, no statesman nor soldier to plot or to fight, no sly man of business contriving a snare, for a big-belly'd bottle's the whole of my care. the peer i don't envy, i give him his bow; i scorn not the peasant, though ever so low; but a club of good fellows, like those that are here, and a bottle like this, are my glory and care. here passes the squire on his brother—his horse; there centum per centum, the cit with his purse; but see you the crown how it waves in the air? there a big-belly'd bottle still eases my care. the wife of my bosom, alas! she did die; for sweet consolation to church i did fly; i found that old solomon proved it fair, that a big-belly'd bottle's a cure for all care. i once was persuaded a venture to make; a letter inform'd me that all was to wreck; but the pursy old landlord just waddl'd upstairs, with a glorious bottle that ended my cares. “life's cares they are comforts”—a maxim laid down by the bard, what d'ye call him, that wore the black gown; and faith i agree with th' old prig to a hair, for a big-belly'd bottle's a heav'n of a care.